Tag: anti-folk

  • Jacob Grippen

    Jacob Grippen

    Jacob Grippen, from southeast Minnesota, has been writing and performing his version of either acoustic-folk-pop or anti-folk (whatever you prefer) around the Coulee/Driftless Region since 2006. You might have known him as The Soviet Onion, but that name is long fried, so remember the name Jacob Grippen, because you won’t forget his voice. Members: Jacob Grippen…

  • Coconut and The Duke

    Coconut and The Duke

    Coconut and The Duke play eccentric, mostly-acoustic music in a variety of styles: folk, jazz, surf, reggae, and the most mystical of all: ‘unclassifiable‘.  They aim to surprise themselves and ultimately make the ‘unclassifiable‘ exciting for the listener. They feature mandolin, ukulele, melodica among other instruments in their music,  which has been featured on Vin…

  • Marv Wilt

    Marv Wilt

    Adam Wiltgen shares tales from the depths of Amish Country in the Unauthorized Biography of his alter-ego, Marv Wilt. This acoustic, anti-folk act blends quirky, madcap originals with several obscure & eclectic covers. Members: Adam Wiltgen Genre(s): acoustic, anti-folk Official Website: On The Noisy Neighbor: Social Media: Contact/Booking: email