Tag: aaron rykus

  • Monolith to Aramoff

    Monolith to Aramoff

    forever preaching and fulfilling the prophecies of Aramoff! Super fast hardcore with some blending of sludge and doom. Let them come destroy your town…. Members: Aaron kommunist, Nathan Rislove, Genre(s): sludge, doom metal, hardcore, punk Official Website: On The Noisy Neighbor: Social Media: Contact/Booking: email Monolith to Aramoff song(rough cut) from Noah Hauser on Vimeo.

  • Aaron Rykus outside Broken World Records

    Aaron Rykus outside Broken World Records

    Aaron Rykus hanging outside Broken World Records.  Aaron is a local barista at DIBS Cafe, always in at least two local punk bands, and was one of the last remaining tenants of the now condemned Canswer House. The Canswer House hosted a slew of rowdy basement shows throughout the years and was loved by many…